Email order:

1. Kirim email dengan keterangan: Nama, nama merek n harga, alamat.
2. Kirim ke or
3. Tunggu balasan, kami akan kirim jumlah yang harus dibayar termasuk biaya kirim.
4. Transfer ke acount bank kami dan kami akan mengirimkan acount bank kami melalui email
5. Kirim foto/ scan bukti transaksi ke or
6. bila transaksi sudah selesai anda berhak meminta email no resi dri jasa pengriman

SMS Order:

1. Kirim sms ke 0858 80 1170 83dengan keterangan: Nama, nama merek n harga, alamat.
2. Tunggu balasan kami akan kirim jumlah yang harus dibayar termasuk biaya kirim.
3. Transfer ke acount bank kami dan kami akan mengirimkan acount bank kami melalui sms
4. Kirim foto/ MMS ke 0858 80 1170 83 
5. bila transaksi sudah selesai anda berhak meminta sms no resi dri jasa pengriman

Blackberry Messenger order:

1. Add PIN 2235438f
2. Tidak perlu PING!! cukup bilang hello dan kami akan memandu kamu dari situ. Kami juga akan memberitahu kalau ada barang baru atau promosi lainnya.
Jam kerja: setiap hari kecuali minggu jam 10.00-21.00


Email order:

1. Email us your order with these details: Name, Name brand n price, Address
2. Send to or
3. Wait for reply, we’ll send you the price and shipping cost
4. Send money and we tell acount my bank via email
5. Send us the transaction proof
6. when the transaction is completed you are entitled to ask for email no receipt of service delivery 

SMS order:

1. Send text message to 0858 80 1170 83 with these details: Name,name brand n price,Address
2. Wait for reply, we’ll send you the price and shipping cost
3. Send money and we tell acount my bank via email
4. Send us the transaction proof
5. when the transaction is completed you are entitled to ask for sms no receipt of service delivery

Blackberry Messenger order:

1. Add our PIN 2235438f
2. You don’t have to PING!! just say hello and our guy will guide you the rest. Also you will get updates for new products and sweet deals, just don’t talk to our guy unless it’s ssaint joesephine
Woking hours: 10am-9pm everyday closed on Sunday
or simply go to opens 24 hours.

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